Pain in chest

           PAIN IN CHEST 


 Pain in Chest is a sign that should never be ignored. There are many reasons for chest pain. 
In addition to disorders of the stomach, heart, marrow, fibers, chest pain can also arise due
 to many reasons of bones and lungs.

 | छाती में दर्द के अनेक कारण होते हैं| पेट, हृदय, मज्जा, तंतुओं के विकार के अलावा हड्डियों एवं फेफड़ों के अनेक कारणों से भी सीने में दर्द उठ सकता है|

  Anemia also cause yellowing, fatigue  




                                              Insulin / इंसुलिन

                                              Madhumeh / मधुमेह 

                                             Cheese / पनी

                                             Almond Trees / बादाम  


  A decrease in blood supply is an indication that the arterial arteries that supply the necessary amount of blood to the visual system have been obstructed or their walls have become wrinkled. The disorder arising due to partial or temporary decrease in blood supply is called angina pectoria. As a symptom, as soon as angina-pectoria   The intensity of this pain is seen after taking food, during cold, cold days, while walking against the pressure of air. When the blood supply to one part of the heart is completely stopped, such a condition is called a heart attack.

 रक्तापूर्ति में कमी होना इस बात का संकेत है की दृदय की मज्जा प्रणाली को आवश्यक मात्रा में रक्तापूर्ति करने वाली धमनियों में या तो रुकावट आ गयी है या उनकी दीवारों में सिकुड़न पैदा हो गई है|

  As far as     


  Commonly occurring colds or colds include fever, runny nose and cough, plus sore throat. In the advanced stage of the disease, when the infection becomes very high, then there are situations like Trouble swallowing food, fever and not opening the mouth completely. This also causes pain in chest. This is considered an emergency.    


   Pain in chest also occurs due to excess of sex, lack of sex, lack of sexual desire, being submerged in sexual thoughts etc.   


  Acidity, constipation, indigestion etc. stomach
 disorders, spine and joint pain, back pain, virus-transmitted
 infection, menstrual periods or irregularity, sexual 
intercourse by multiple postures, sexual infection, throat pain or 
swelling etc. There are reasons which can cause pain in chest.

 , कब्ज, अजीर्ण आदि पेट संबंधी विकारों, रीढ़ व जोड़ों का दर्द, पीठ दर्द, वाइरस द्वारा फैलाया जाने वाला संक्र्मन, मासिक की अधिकता या अनियमितता, अनेक आसनों द्वारा संभोग, यौन संक्र्मन, गले का दर्द या सूजन आदि ऐसे अनेक कारण होते हैं जिसके कारण सीने में दर्द उत्पन्न हो सकता है|

  People over forty years of age should beware of   


  Any skilled cardiologist should meet and get his diagnosis 
and treatment done as soon as possible. Walking in the 
morning, taking control of food and drink is the first formula

    किसी भी कुशल ह्रदय रोग विशेषज्ञ से मिलकर उसका निदान एवं चिकित्सा अतिशीघ्र करवा लेनी चाहिए|

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